Heather/Ling/Heath (Calluna vulgaris, Erica cinerea, and Erica tetralix specifically)

With spring and summer versions and separate material zones for the leaves and flowers. For moorlands of the UK/Scotland/Ireland.
We seriously need some. Even Xfrog doesn't have any! Aside from like-- a whopping one or two models on Turbosquid of Calluna vulgaris, the closest thing we have are some billboard props in the Deep Freeze on RDNA, and you can't take the flowers off of those :(
In case any PA needs the common names in French or German (and doesn't want to wiki it :\ ) they're:
Callune or Bruyère callune, bruyère cendrée, and Bruyère des marais, respectively
Besendheide or heidekraut, Glocken-Heide or Moor GLockenheide, and Graue Heide or Graue Glockenheide respectively.
Well, they each have tons more common names than that, but I thought it would be nutso to C/P them all.
Seems like Merlin Studios or Predatron would be best up to the task of creating either genus due to the leaves.