How to get characters (and their clothes, props and details) to export successfully

Hiya folks!!  I'm having less than optimal success exporing characters to FBX for use in other applications.  I saw a video where a guy showed options to select for successful export, but he didn't show his end result.  I duplicated his settings, and I got a mixed end result.  My figures and their clothes basically showed up ok, but the figures show up without their pupils and eyebrows, and any handheld objects export as floating objects int he FBX, even though the hand pose remains for holding the object.  As an example, a cop character with a gun, radio and baton in his utility belt, and holding a flashlight in his hand, gets these objects floating in random places around him, and appears to be holding a nonexistant object.

I'm attaching a screenshot of the settings I got from the video.  Is there a handy fix for this?


Daz Export to FBX Options.jpg
492 x 768 - 68K


  • Doc AcmeDoc Acme Posts: 1,153

    I do quite bit of conversion out of Daz via FBX. The end application might have some options you need to be aware of as well.  I use Lightwave, but the process should be similar in other apps.

    Textures are only going to be the basics no matter what, and you need to be aware of the default settings as their most likely going to be wrong. As such, I use the Collect to Folder option & then perform a Search after I extract the FBX to find the rest (normal maps, bumps, spec, etc.) in the Daz structure, then copy to my new folder.

    I don't know if it's the Daz implementation of FBX, but it loves to add extra nulls and rename cameras. Position info is one null, rotation in another, and actual placement to a third sometimes. That's why you have things "floating". Follow things up the chain & you often can find the correct null is. Buttons are loads o' fun.

    As such, I make my exports with a zeroed pose. Although you can export posed (as I used to do), it limits further posing. Props such as guns, I bring them in as separate items & simply parent where needed.

    The plus to this, is you can export the Basic Figure Pose Only (you can prep a scene copy to remove hair, props, clothing, etc.) to just get the hierarchy pose & then copy to your figure.  Basically a pose pre-set.


    FBX Export Opts.jpg
    851 x 1025 - 79K
    Well do ya eh.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 753K
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