Can we expect new characters for G3M?

I know that once a new Genesis comes out, almost all development on previous generations normally stops because everyone wants the latest and greatest. However, I propose that there is still some benefit to produce things for previous generations. For one thing, there will be less competion. If a partner puts out a new character, they are competing agaist a huge number of other characters but there would be less competition when releasing something for a previous generation.


  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    I highly doubt it since I feel DAZ wants to focus on the latest and greatest and probably wouldn't accept older generation characters for the store. Might see one or two show up at Rendo though.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    There might be less competition but the number of potential customers would be much smaller as a good number of them don't purchase items for older figures anymore.
    That's why releases for older figures stop after a while when a new one is available, new content for older figures simply doesn't sell enough anymore to be worth making.

  • Think Leanna's right. However, Riversoft Art does a script to take G8M characters across to G3M - here

    The G3F to G8F one by RiverSoft Art does the business, so I imaging the other way will work well.



  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,073

    Some vendors make characters that work on both G8 and G3. Off the top of my head, Adam Thwaites and Rhiannon.

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