Can we expect new characters for G3M?

I know that once a new Genesis comes out, almost all development on previous generations normally stops because everyone wants the latest and greatest. However, I propose that there is still some benefit to produce things for previous generations. For one thing, there will be less competion. If a partner puts out a new character, they are competing agaist a huge number of other characters but there would be less competition when releasing something for a previous generation.
I highly doubt it since I feel DAZ wants to focus on the latest and greatest and probably wouldn't accept older generation characters for the store. Might see one or two show up at Rendo though.
There might be less competition but the number of potential customers would be much smaller as a good number of them don't purchase items for older figures anymore.
That's why releases for older figures stop after a while when a new one is available, new content for older figures simply doesn't sell enough anymore to be worth making.
Think Leanna's right. However, Riversoft Art does a script to take G8M characters across to G3M - here
The G3F to G8F one by RiverSoft Art does the business, so I imaging the other way will work well.
Some vendors make characters that work on both G8 and G3. Off the top of my head, Adam Thwaites and Rhiannon.