I need to model a large fishing net that would hold some fish and a character

I'm sure there is a clever way to do this but I'm sure what is a good way.
I want to model a character and some fish in a large net, the kind that fishing boats use.
I played around with dforce and I can't get it to look right. I was going to try marvelous designer tomorrow but I wondered if anyone else tried this
thanks everyone...
How do you want it to look?
Pulled through water, lifted in the air or...
I think I would use a plane with enough divisions, e.g. a 10'10 meter plane with 99 divisions, will give a simulation grid of 10 cm. That might be a little large, but after simulation you can add a subdivision 1 or 2.
sorry, i guess i should have been more clear. just a pile on the deck of a boat. i'm having some better luck with marvelous designer but still looks off...
High level idea : I would model a net (say Blender or your own tool) and make it one mesh so it can dForce. Then use a modifier to fold it perhaps. In DAZ you can put your character and fish in who you slowly animate to the floor as the net around it collapses.
If you are using marvelous designer, certain try with it again, it is your best option. Given the net mesh will wrap around the figures, the way you pose your character and the fish, is the most important step for this to work.
What if you turned everything upside down then used dforce to drape the net. You could add some ropes in the corneers to complete the effect.