Are there any bodypaint shaders?

I thought I had seen some freebie bodypaint maps for G3f on Sharecg or Deviant, but I cannot locate them anymore. Are there any bodypaint shaders or any techniques for Gimp that can produce a bodypaint look. I have a funny fish costume that I am thinking about doing that requires a full bodypaint base. I saw the bodypaint product for G8 but it looks like it does certain portions of the body and has kind of a chalky look to it and it was over $22.00 which I would prefer not to spend for one render. Any Ideas? Thanks!
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Possibilities: Apply the body paint with an opacity map to a geoshell or as a LIE map over the figure, apply the body paint as a layer over skin in the paint program. You might want textures for gloss/specular amount and reflection amount as well.
Moved to Product Suggestions as it is a request for, not an offer of, a freebie.
Apply to the Diffuse Overlay to really look like body paint.
jestmart what is the Diffuse Overlay? Do you mean a layer in the difuse L.I.E ?
Diffuse Overlay is a property in the Iray Uber Base shader. As it's name implies, it adds a second layer of colour, possibly mapped and possibly governed by a strength map, to the diffuse channel.
Thanks Richard, I just used Gimp and the the paint brush tool. Looks good enough.