How to remove Punky Tail Hair tail?

RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,283

How do I remove the Punky Hair Tail tail while leaving the top hair there?

Geometry editor won't let me select the strands of hair [in Punky Tail Hair] and there is no cutout opacity for that part.

None of the hair poses offer the hair without the tail.

Any help on this would be appreciated.


Edited for Please put your question in the post body and the title - Daz 3D Forums

Post edited by RexRed on


  • It's dForce Hair (rather than dForce cloth used as hair), the hairs are generated rather than actual geometry that can be selected. You might be able to edit the distribution maps or adjust the dForce Simulation settings for the surface, depending on how it is set up.

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,283

    I would really love to learn the process with which to make the hair tail editable with geometry editor.

    I tried removing dforce and that did not work.

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,283
    edited February 2022

    Am I the only one asked in the forum to use a question in the title and the body?

    I am only allowed one response in this thread before it is closed?

    And the suggestions post I did not ask "how" to edit punky hair, I asked if Daz might offer more variations for that product in the future.

    What warranted the closing of this thread?  

    I find this actually rude to have my thread closed and I plan to report this to Daz.

    Richard wrote:

    You might be able to edit the distribution maps or adjust the dForce Simulation settings for the surface, depending on how it is set up.


    I spent nearly 8 hours last night on YouTube working live in Daz Studio in 4k demonstrating how to work in Daz Studio.

    Drumming up new customers for Daz Studio. Customers that will be paying your paychecks.

    And I am given one vague sentence on how to edit punky hair?


    I have spent around 10,000 dollars in the Daz store, I would think that would allow me to have threads with more than one response before it is abruptly closed.

    And I would think that I would not be the only one singled out to use a question in the title and the body. Not once but twice I have been asked to do this.

    My thread at least had a question in the title with a question mark after it...

    This is not the first time that the moderator of this forum has been rude to me...

    Post edited by RexRed on
  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,283

    Gordig wrote here:

    Richard already explained the situation to you in the other thread. If you're not used to working with SBH/dForce hair, you may not immediately understand that your normal methods of modifying hair won't work, but that doesn't mean you're out of options.   


    Richard mentioned there were possible options but did not explain the process of those options...

    A brief explaination would be helpful.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,388

    Am I the only one asked in the forum to use a question in the title and the body?

    No, everyone is. There's even an Announcement thread about it:

  • Sorry, it's not something I have tried for a while - and I'm not sure how that hair in particular is set up. You might want to look for soem of the more general threads on dForce hair, which cover the general techniques.

    We ask all users to make sure that the body of the post is complete, not relying on the subject line, as in the linked post. You are far from the only person to get their opening posts edited for this reason.

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,283
    edited February 2022

    I had a question in the title and the body was obviously the same question.

    I am not here for drama, I am here for help, thanks for supplying what help you are able to anyway.

    It is not that I don't like the tail, it is that it is not always appropriate and the rest of the hair is really nice.

    I would honestly like to see more options. And for merely asking my thread was closed.

    It only makes me wonder if my request will even be passed on to the art department for consideration...

    Post edited by RexRed on
  • RexRed said:

    It only makes me wonder if my request will even be passed on to the art department for consideration...

    Product Suggestions isn't a way to address Daz, it was originally intended as a way for people to float ideas that PAs might take up - but they would have to read the forum, there was/is no digested version sent out. Sadly a lot of PAs have been burned making things in response to forum suggestions (sales rarely reward the effort) so its scope has in any event become much broader.

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