Dforce billboards

since Dforce strandbased products are PA only a strand mapped to take an image that can be scattered not instanced on a plane or terrain would prove useful.

For things like wheatfields, crowds (gravity positive) that interact with scene objects like a combine harvester or characters walking.

I do this to an extent in other software but the UV mapping is the issue there as my softwares only do pelted UVs, I know DAZ strandbased hair can do vertical UVs too


  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    Not sure of what you are asking here, Wendy (cheekyblush) but if you want a system to grow grass on a terrain, the Strand Based Hair system is alreday good for that.

    Just paint the areas you want to have grass and use the editor to make it more "clumpy" like real grass and give it a green colour. Then, in the Surfaces tab, apply the base Shder you prefer (3Delight or IRay) and finally apply your texture of choice.

    I did it a couple of times, a bit heavy on some vast areas but still way better than any shader or fibermesh system. wink

    Otherwise you can use a billboard system (there is one in our shop that keeps them camera facing, really good) and a scatering system like UltraScatter to put them everywehere.

  • I am aware of that but only PAs can turn it into Dforce curves so they need to create the Dforce "field" of billboards we can texture or texture sets are provided for

    I can make Dforce billboards but they would have at least 4X the polygons or more as to Dforce they need to be sufficiently subdivided and preferable not flat but rather intersecting groups or tubes

    I have tried it myself using Zbrush Fibermesh but could only do a small patch without crashing my driver


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