Fallout shelter interior

Hi. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for what i could use as the interior for a fallout shelter. Something with a little room to move and could be seen as being under ground. Ive looked at several options but never found anything with some room.
How about this one: https://www.daz3d.com/storm-shelter? Might do the job, particularly if you replace the light tube glass with a concrete shader, because a fallout shelter wouldn't have light tubes..
Vaultec or "Protect and Survive"?
The UK's 'Protect & Survive' strategy wouldn't have. It was more an 'Expose & Die' strategy with the [possibly/hopefully] unintended consequence of reducing the number of civilians who'd need to be fed after the unthinkable. A blanket draped over a table. Yep. That'll work to save you from a 1MW/m^2 flash, a Richter 8 quake and an over & under pressure wave of 4psi ripping any building apart, not to mention the gamma radiation pulse shining through the walls and the fallout...
Perhaps this would do?
Also this for props: