Wet and Tanned Skins

I'm having some trouble using Wet and Tanned Skins for Genessis 8 Males. When I try to apply the base shader, I get the error saying "wrong selection type. Please select Genesis 8 or 3 male or Genesis 8 or 3 male part" even if I have a G8M model selected. I started a new scene with nothing but a blank g8m figure loaded in, and I still get the same error message.

Anyone know what's going wrong here?


  • Is it Genesis 8 Male or Genesis 8.1 Male? For 8.1 you may, as long as it uses the Genesis 8 Uvs, need to use the materials on a regular Genesis 8 Male, apply Wet and Dry, then save a Materials preset and apply that to 8.1.

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