Change Skin Color like Changing Clothing Textures

For the last few months, I have become pretty good and mixing and matching textures across different products, and also in using the 'Shader' packs. It's nice. Very nice. Being able to take any cloth and make it work with any other Shader. Gives me endless variety. 

I even end up using these large collection of Iray Shaders on Hair, and get unique effects. It works beautifully. 

Now, I am thinking, is there a way to change the Skin Appearance, in a similar fashion? Like, take the Skin from one figure and apply to another figure? Or, are there 'Skin Packs', like how we have a 'Shader Packs'? 

For example, I would love to take the Skin Texture of Rosa Maria and apply it to, say, Ana Lucia. Or, Ana Lucia skin to Victoria. That would awesome. 


  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,885

    Textures are the same within generations (assuming the same UV). If you want to put Ana Lucia's skin on Rosa Maria, all you have to do is load Rosa Maria or dial her in and apply the Ana Lucia material preset. The trick to this is that G8.1 material presets won't apply directly to G8 because of both the hierarchical material presets and also the different UV that many 8.1 characters use. I address how to get around that in this tutorial:

  • Aha!

    So it is possible. Excellent.

    And across generations too. I will look into the video and see where that takes me.

    Thank you Gordig.

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