My wish list

Here's a few wishes:
1. Ripped jeans
2. Preppy hair for G2M (short military cuts, fifties partings, etc)
3. Royal crowns and regalia, maybe some royal robes, modern and medieval
4. Business suits for G2M that actually fit together without having to be morphed. I suggest complete sets that are pre.fitted to each other. Currently there is only a set for Genesis but it's difficult to make work properly.
5. Variations on Nevio or Darius skin maps so that the new characters don't look so much like M6 or Darius. I've tried all of the other skins and, although V6 is good most of the others are unrealistic and cartoony so I find myself defaulting to Nevio or Darius for male chatacters and using Amazing Skins for variations. These are photo-real and always look good but the characters still look as if they are related to M6 or Darius!