Something more accurate and easier to use than dformer or push modifier.

Something more accurate and easier to use than dformer or push modifier to manipulate geometry.
Would be nice to have a tool to select individual polygons(faces) and be able to move rotate resise them instead of having to go into blender and create morphs that don't work more often than not, at least in my case.
How about
There are other products in that series
Do you know how to make weight maps? You can use D-Formers and Push Modifiers with weight-mapping and geometry selection to target specific areas.
Excellent program for making "little morphs" be it to address poke through or fix a hem. Golden rule for morphs, "no" real changes to the mesh. Use the brush tools in the UV&Paint tab {smoother, pinch, inflate}, or select a line, dot or face and move them around.
In D/S have the "advanced" bridge option selected for Hexagon so more options are available when making the morph.
You don't use the D-Former's red sphere to position it in place. You change the influence to use a weight-map. You can select single vertices, edges or facets, exactly where you want them. Fill or paint the weight you want to use. A very under-appreciated tool. The Push modifier is basically the same when making the weight map.
Thank you I will try that