Professional, Institutional, Industrial or Enterprise Kitchen

We have a ton of kitchens in the Daz store, but what I'm trying to find is a larger kitchen, like one you would find in a restaurant or a hospital or something like that. One where you'd have multiple people at work, like multiple cooks and kitchenhelps, with several sets of stoves and sinks, built-in frying pans somewhere, multiple tables for cutting stuff, to set the plates for dressing, for pick-up, etc. Maybe even with one of those big industrial dishwashers that have the dishes fed through a conveyerbelt in a side room.
And, ideally, it'd be fairly modular as well, so easy to leave out segments, or add multiple copies, without "you have to place this piece against that wall or that cabinet, otherwise the piping for the cooker hood won't line up".
FG Kitchen is probably one of the best going (as there isn't much in the "professional" kitchen realm
I even tried looking at Restaurant Assets, but sadly, no joy, as those only seem to focus on the "Patron" side of the restaurant.
Oh, thank you! I missed the kitchen part from the fg-fast-food-chain, definitely looking into that one now!
the Enterprise had a kitchen?
I thought they had a food dispenser that just materialised it out of compounds
No, that was Voyager that had a kitchen. They also had a Neelix Cook.