All my files are suddenly gone

I recently did force quit DAZStudio. After reopening all my files are suddenly gone. Were they used to be in Smart Content there is just a symbol of an empty frame with an exclamation mark. When I double click it the error message "Could not open file: File does not exist" pops up. Is there any way to restore it back to how it used to be?


  • Unfortunately the force quitting may well have corrupted the database, though the description is not clear. Are you seeing entries for all the files, but with broken icons? If so it may simply be that the content directory paths are wrong. Can you see the content in the Content Library under Daz Studio Formats?

  • Yes I see them, all of them. Well, I saw them to be precise. And I can still find the files with the finder on my mac. I changed the paths under "Preferences/Content/Content Directory Manager" afterwards (to the location where the finder found the files) - and now I don't see them anymore. Like, none of them.

  • So, where are the files (in particular the Runtime and Data folders) and what are your current directory settings?

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