Script for naming saves of series of images, as well as button?

I'm not a script writer, but I do render alot, and would love a feature where DAZ helps with saving file names for a series of renders.
Something for all Renpy game dev's and comic book creators out there.
Ex. If I render a series of images called: Image1, Image2, Image3, etc I would love a feature where I could just click a button by the Image name for it to add prefixes and suffixes right there.
So, if I render "Image" I just set the suffix 1,2,3 in what ever checkbox there would be and it would name it "Image1" the next would automatically be called "Image2" etc.
Also a button where the file is automatically saved with the name of rendered file would be awesome right there where the Image name menu is, would be awesome.
Is this doable?
I sent a mail to DAZ six months ago, but nothing has happend except that the person recieving the mail sent it to dev's.
What do you think?
Moved to Product Suggestions as it is not a post about scripting.
Not sure if this will answering your question about script . But I`m always use freebie FAST STONE image viewer to batch rename just like how you want to do . It also offer much more options in one batch including resizing -reduce only quality ( but keep the size) and quick edit connection with your 2D image editor . It also fast even in low spec machine
The path is set in Render Settings, niot Render Manager (which can be scripted - see the samples). I'm not sure about some of the other comments.
renderSerFilename is used when rendering an animation to a series of images instead of to a video file; each frame will increment the number at the end of the filename.
Ok, so maybe not script, but plugin... (lol)
Are there people who does those kind of plugins, or do we have to hope for the dev's to make it?