Gallery: How do I know if my images are chosen?

PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
edited January 2022 in Art Studio

I've searched for this answer, but if it's out there in Forumland I don't see it. The Gallery submission process does not have a back and forth chat option that lets the gods of the Gallery communicate with the submitters. So, how do I know if my work is chosen for Gallery submission, or if there is a problem?

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,851

    I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "chosen" in this case, but I may be missing something.

    You submit images to your personal gallery, and they show up there immediately. All images posted also show up in the 'Newest' section of the main gallery, until they're replaced by other, newer images.

    That leaves the 'Trending' and 'Popular' sections of the main gallery which, as far as I know, are based on the number of 'Likes' that each image receives from other users. If your image accumulates enough likes, you'll show up in one of those sections. However -- as far as I know -- that's an automatic process, and there aren't any Gallery Gods who are responsible for selecting your image for special attention (there are, however, Gallery Mods, so if your image contains naughty bits, they will take it down and then you probably will get a note from them letting you know why).

    My experience has been that even if someone at DAZ really likes an image you made, you won't hear about it. DAZ used a picture that I posted to the gallery as the banner for one of their blog posts and in a mailshot, and I never heard a squeak out of them.

  • The image will be Published if it is OK, if not the reasons should be entered in the messages/notes section for the image (which you can se even if it isn't actually published).

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
    edited January 2022

    OK, then I guess when it said that I sent it to be published I was to simply believe that as a fact. There weren't any naughty bits, although the model is a head-rattler-- in a good way. I just don't see it anywhere on the Gallery.

    Now, the next question: I was going to wait for feedback before moving on to the next step of selling this model. But I'm getting the feeling that this is not the best first step for that. Maybe I should jump right into the sale process-- which is going to take a while anyway. I want to get on it. This model has taken a year to develop.

    Post edited by Piquant on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,830

    Did you look in your gallery to see if they were there?

    Screenshot 2022-01-24 233440.jpg
    293 x 391 - 23K
  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    I did, but how do I know if there are in the "Published" Gallery for all to see? Maybe I don't understand this process or its necessity at all.

  • Somewat belatedly moved to the Art Studio as it is not a Daz Studio topic.

    There are some guides in the thread on the new gallery

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,830
    edited January 2022

    I don't know any way to find the images of a selected artist in the Daz Gallery. If your images were published, they would have appeared in Newest for a few minutes or hours, probably, and then they get pushed away by newer images. Probably nobody would ever see them again.

    Post edited by barbult on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,309
    edited January 2022

    Just email the link to your gallery to your phone & see if you can see the gallery on your phone's browser, if you haven't logged onto DAZ 3D site there too.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    Good stuff. Thanks for the link, Richard.

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