Advice needed for similar historical clothing

I need some advice on some clothing that would look appropriate on characters in the same scene as a Genesis 8 Male wearing the Le Roi clothing.

I need clothing for two other characters: one for a man who is driving a carriage, or someone who would attend to a nobleman. The other for an older woman who works in the nobleman’s house, something like a cook.

I don’t need something historically accurate but I don’t want the clothes to look odd next to each other.

Thanks in advance everyone

LE ROI.jpg
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  • rcourtri_789f4b1c6brcourtri_789f4b1c6b Posts: 264
    edited January 2022

    I think it's pretty easy for the cook: I think any sort of long, loose dress with an apron will do.  A bonnet or other hat would be a nice bonus. You might try .

    An outfit for a driver/servant is a bit harder.  Not a lot of late-17th or 18th-century wardrobe options, especially for males.  Victorian stuff would look out of place.  I'd probably kitbash something.  (1) Use different fabric shaders on the Le Roi outfit, and hide (make transparent) some of its decorative elements. (2)  Search the "high seas" theme.  A lot of the pirate-themed costumes are 18th-century--take some of the elements from those.  A coat here, a vest there, a shirt from one, shoes from another--You get the idea.  Might help if we knew if the driver is wearing fancy livery or is just driving a typical cab or coach.  Servants' dress tended to be formal but not flashy.

    Post edited by rcourtri_789f4b1c6b on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845
    edited January 2022

    A male servant of those times would wear something not that different in shape from what the king would wear (short pants with stockings, waistcoat and coat), except with less decorations. Think plain wool fabric with a simpler trim (same color for all servants, which would have been blue with a red trim with white design for the king's servants, and red with a blue trim for the queen's) when the king would have embroidered fabric, lace and jewels.

    If you can hide the shoulder frills which make it look too much like a military uniform, the naval uniform might work:

    This is for G2M but could also work if you hide / replace the bats:

    Post edited by Leana on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845
    edited January 2022

    A female servant from that time would look something like these:

    The servant dress linked above would be more 19th century.

    I don't think I've ever seen anything like those in the various stores though.

    servante 1.jpg
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    servante 2.jpg
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    servante 3.jpg
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    Post edited by Leana on
  • 5200north5200north Posts: 249

    Thank you for the suggestions, I "downgraded" the nicer fabrics, with a bit more fine tuning this will be great.


    1136 x 906 - 399K
  • Your main man looks to me to be late 17th to early 18th century.

    For the male servant, it depends how richly your guy dresses his servants, but toned down pirate outfits are what I'd go for (because the golden age of piracy covers the same period). So or for example.

    For your female servant, something even more basic. He might dress his coachman up, because people will see him and it will enhance his status. Nobody's going to see the cook, so who cares? I would suggest .

    I'd also get the texture expansions for those outfits, because they're soooo much better than the default.

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,408
    edited January 2022

    Still needs some basic pJCMs and shapes however it's a skirt plus a top. The skirt can be used with dForce.

    and the top.png
    1000 x 1000 - 557K
    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    Catherine3678ab said:

    Still needs some basic pJCMs and shapes however it's a skirt plus a top. The skirt can be used with dForce.

    Nice! :)

  • Thank you Leana :-)

  • Some great suggestions here... 

    If it is all fantasy, then go with what your eye and heart tell you... the OP says that it has to "look appropriate" in a scene with Le Roi.

    Le Roi itself is "King Louis XVI inspired", and "inspired" is always a bag of worms.... But King Louis XVI is a figure from late (or, at least second half of) 18th Century.  Clothing is similar in the 18th, but details changed.
    A great site to check for that kind of thing is, especially for Golden Age of Piracy clothing... 

    My suggestion would be kind of going along with what has been stated already, except to clarify by saying it would almost be impossible to pick any particular era and try to do it historically, as, unless you were making them in Blender/Marvelous, there isn't enough to do it accuratly.

    So, throw caution to the wind and mix and match so it looks good to your eye, and go with an "inspired", alternate universe look".

    Post what you Render... we're all curious now!

  • My skirt is released. Can't post a link. So I gather it's going to be difficult to find unless one sends me a PM to get the link. Did I ever mention that over at ArtStation my handle there is also Catherine3678a.

    And Tomorrow is my Birthday. I shall officially be an old lady.

  • Catherine3678ab said:

    And Tomorrow is my Birthday.C I shall officially be an old lady.

    From an officially old man: Congratulations, and many happy returns.

  • contedesfees said:

    Catherine3678ab said:

    And Tomorrow is my Birthday.C I shall officially be an old lady.

    From an officially old man: Congratulations, and many happy returns.

    Thank you :-)

  • Catherine, you're only as old as you feel. I know youthful people in their 90's and old people in their 30's. I can't imagine you ever falling into the latter category. Anyway, happy birthday.



  • richardandtracy said:

    Catherine, you're only as old as you feel. I know youthful people in their 90's and old people in their 30's. I can't imagine you ever falling into the latter category. Anyway, happy birthday.



    Thank you Richard :-) 

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