Duplicate formula found.....
Howdy Folks,
Ever since I purchased 'Alice And Her Outfit" Alice And Her Outfit For Genesis 8 Female | Daz 3D from Belladona this past November, Genesis 8 and 8.1 take forever to load, and always ends with an error message to check the log file. The log file is full of entries like this:
2022-01-18 20:28:17.680 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(7230): Duplicate formula found linking yEnd & BD Alice Body in /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/Belladona/Alice/BD Alice Body.dsf.
2022-01-18 20:28:17.680 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(7231): owner: Genesis8_1Female
2022-01-18 20:28:17.680 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(7232): output: rPectoral:/data/Daz%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Genesis8Female.dsf#rPectoral?end_point/y
2022-01-18 20:28:17.680 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(7233): input: Genesis8Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Belladona/Alice/BD%20Alice%20Body.dsf#Alice%20Body?value
2022-01-18 20:28:17.852 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(7230): Duplicate formula found linking zEnd & BD Alice Body in /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/Belladona/Alice/BD Alice Body.dsf.
2022-01-18 20:28:17.852 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(7231): owner: Genesis8_1Female
2022-01-18 20:28:17.852 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(7232): output: rPectoral:/data/Daz%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Genesis8Female.dsf#rPectoral?end_point/z
2022-01-18 20:28:17.852 WARNING: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(7233): input: Genesis8Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Belladona/Alice/BD%20Alice%20Body.dsf#Alice%20Body?value
I can make this go away by uninstalling this product, and I have tried to contract both DAZ Tech Support and Belladona directly, but have recieved no help :-(. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this issue? Thanks!
Rich S.
There are three options for the user to fix the issue;
1. Uninstall the product
2. Learn to read the code inside the morph files, figure out the problem and fix it manually.
3. Remove the folder /data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Belladona/Alice, which will remove the morphs for Alice (which are the problem), but still leaves the textures and clothing available
It may well not be a problem with Alice per se but rather two different Alices with the same property names. Still, even if that is the case it is worth reporting the issue as giving the properties a more unique name should greatly reduce the chance of clashes.
Alice has popped up before,
Yes, duplicate formulas make a figure much slower to load - I wasn't denying there was an issue, just pointing out that it may be a conflict between two characters rather than a fault in one.
I was just pointing that the same problem has surfaced before, and in one of my posts in that thread, I did find one other Alice with the same parameter names.
Thanks for the replies. How do I report this issue? I already filed a ticket with DAZ Support, and attemtpted to send a message direclty to the vendor. I got a reply form Tech Support, who pretty much said I needed to contact the vendor, but not *how* to contact the vendor. I am at a loss here. Thanks again!
That's not how DAZ support is supposed to work, it is DAZ that is supposed to contact the vendor if the problem requires it.
Just to chime in case anybody sees this thread (and Alice is in a grab bag sale,) the issue is reported as fixed on the read me page.
2021-07-15 - Fixed Alice duplicate formulas with another character
So hopefully that takes care of the problem and future potential buyers coming across this thread are not put off the product.
Also as an extra PSA, PAs, please don't use generic names for morphs, ever. You can use a simple name as -part- of the name, but you need to add something to it, like your PA name, to prevent these kinds of issues from happening. Additionally, the QA at Daz needs to stop allowing Genesis characters that have simple morph names from releasing, period. I know that Daz cannot list every single G8 product on the planet to prevent duplicate names, especially ones from other stores. But they can look at the morph list on a product and see names like "Alice Head" or "Alice Body", and consider that maybe somebody has used that name before at some point in time. They should then automatically reject the product and have the PA rename the morphs, with either their PA initials or how about a random number. Hey, the number 42 sounds pretty cool. I bet there is no "Alice Head 42" or "Alice Body 42" in existence for Genesis 8 Female! It should be standard practice at this point, as this duplicate ID mess has been going for years, a decade even, and only will get worse without proper guidelines in place for all products that have Genesis morphs in them.
having just bought this product myself (19 Mar 2022) i can confirm that it is still needing to be fixed.
i assume that in my case it's conflicting with Dark-Elf's 'Alice' figure, which also uses generic names for its morphs, e.g. Alice Head, Alice Body
i submitted a ticket.
----> removing the morphs folder works for now. thanks for posting its location PerttiA.
Yes, that is how it's supposed to work. It doesn't and It would mostly depend on the issue with the product and the age of it. If a product is deemed too old to update, then (unusable Pro-Noun) will no longer be able to offer support on it. Can't tell where I read this. I can't tell why I can't tell you either. Just don't complain too loudly about their products and support. On the forums.
i just got another pop-up related to this - 'one or more files referenced by the loading content is missing'
this is weird because
a) the figure i was loading is the same Face Transfer figure that yesterday loaded ok after uninstalling this Alice
b) the FT figure hasn't been edited for over a year, so it's impossible that i wrote any Alice-related stuff into it
c) it didn't contain anything from any other Alice products i have - it was 50% iSource Caprice body, the rest was just general stuff from e.g. FBM and similar morph packs
d) this Alice, the faulty one, i never loaded it. it got installed, uninstalled, then re-installed and its morph folder immediately deleted BEFORE running DS, but i still haven't actually put any of it into a scene in any way.
why is this thing worming its way into my other content?
If there are conflicts - two files linking a proeprty named "Foo" to a property named "Bar" - then it will affect all characters using the base figure. DS has to read all the proeprty files and build the links or ti won't know when it needs to use the linked proeprties (this is why loading gets slower as more properties are added) - it isn't necessary to actuall use either of the conflicting properties.
so i guess regardless of this particular package, the golden rule would be if i want to keep my DS running efficiently i should uninstall anything i'm not going to use?
i have a myriad of things i bought that i haven't even looked at yet, and probably never will (e.g. wow, that's cheap! i'd better grab it just in case i need an aiko 3 leg warmer set someday. coffee canisters! too good to pass up at this price.. etc. etc.)
Although duplicate formulas are usually a cofnlict between two products rather than a bug in one it is still worth reporting them, but it probably is worth uninstalling stuff you don't want to have quick access to - whether that is morph packs or chacter sets will be a matter of taste and workflow. You certainly shouldn't need to strip down to the bare essentials for a project to get decent performance.
It is still broken. The Belladonna Alice and Her Outfit body morph is literally clashing with the base GENESIS 8 Female morph. So the solution is to literally uninstall and not use a product I paid for because this still is NOT fixed after more than a year. This is just a small snippet of the log file. Every single part of her body is a duplicate formula. Every single bone. Every single finger. Etc.
Duplicate formula found linking zOrigin & BD Alice Body in /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/Belladona/Alice/BD Alice Body.dsf.
owner: Genesis8Female
output: rPectoral:/data/Daz%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Genesis8Female.dsf#rPectoral?center_point/z
input: Genesis8Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Belladona/Alice/BD%20Alice%20Body.dsf#Alice%20Body?value
Duplicate formula found linking xEnd & BD Alice Body in /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/Belladona/Alice/BD Alice Body.dsf.
owner: Genesis8Female
output: rPectoral:/data/Daz%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Genesis8Female.dsf#rPectoral?end_point/x
input: Genesis8Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Belladona/Alice/BD%20Alice%20Body.dsf#Alice%20Body?value
Duplicate formula found linking yEnd & BD Alice Body in /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/Belladona/Alice/BD Alice Body.dsf.
owner: Genesis8Female
output: rPectoral:/data/Daz%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Genesis8Female.dsf#rPectoral?end_point/y
input: Genesis8Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Belladona/Alice/BD%20Alice%20Body.dsf#Alice%20Body?value
Duplicate formula found linking zEnd & BD Alice Body in /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Morphs/Belladona/Alice/BD Alice Body.dsf.
: owner: Genesis8Female
output: rPectoral:/data/Daz%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Genesis8Female.dsf#rPectoral?end_point/z
input: Genesis8Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Belladona/Alice/BD%20Alice%20Body.dsf#Alice%20Body?value
Submitted a ticket. This is ridiculous to not be solved after almost a year. Belladonna is one of their bigger vendors. You would think there would have been a solution by now, not just them claiming it was fixed when clearly it was not.
Alice Body is presumably the issue, and that is not in the base package. it is then linking to joint centres, which are, but that is correct - many morphs will link to that as they need to move it, in a unique way, to pose correctly. A duplicate formula error will occur only wen both ends of the chain have the same name (usually as a result of not having sufficiently distinctive names).