Searching for a pose of people helping other from falling (just offering a hand is okay too)

That's one of the closest reference I could find...
It doesn't have to be 2 people, just 1 people offering their hand is also fine, or should I just use "picking up objects" pose and flip the hand upwards?
Thank you,
There may be one here that you can use.
Yep, I knew Zeddicus must have atleast a product that I was searching for, I just don't know the name of the product...
Thank you very much!
This is the under-the-radar poses types that @richardandtracy excells at!
Thank you so much. It's always nice to be volunteered.
I have a few pose jobs on at the moment. The reason I had not piped up in this thread at the moment is that I don't think I can do anything in a reasonable length of time.