HD Elite Revealation

Are you ready for that final step in HD creative realism? I am too and I'm looking for more real environments for example, DimensionTheory's HDR Pro-sets only let's see some indoor ones too. I can't wait until the new technologies are taken complete advantage of and an amateur like myself can wield the power of Hollywood magic.
I want to take a moment to mention what I think is one of the best new assets, Hole's Hot Dog Cart... wow, you guys really hit it out of the park with that one!
I can't wait to see more products like that cart.. OMG!
I have to give a special creative mention for a brilliant new product for Marshain's Kaleidoscope... Wow.
I'm still looking for some religious themed items to go with my Genesis 2 and was hoping to see robes like what Jesus would wear but I also think it would be great to have a bearded version. I'm still looking for more work style uniforms... My hotel needs doormen and waiters and my pool needs a pool cleaner for all of the older guest to admire. Let's not forget the lifegaurds, the tennis players and even the shuffle board game on my cruise ship. I have some good cook uniforms from Genesis but I'd love a good chef's hat and I'm still hanging for some Navy Dungarees.
Come on guys.. don't you know the ladies love a man in uniform?
For me the focus has to be on materials like shiny buttons... Our marines have to have a spit polish and I need to find a good sailors cap and it would be great if it had short hair already under it.
I would love to be able to customize a uniform emblem too so that I can put my cashier to work at McDunolds or Burger Queen and boy it would be great to have a fast food restaurant to go and eat at. The kids need a good arcade to go and play video games at and I'd love it if somebody would make a pre-stocked Mall... It's great to have a mall but it sucks if nothing is on any of the counters and I've never been to a mall like that... even when I was hiding from a zombie apocalypse. Oh.. and I need a virtual game system for the kids to play on in the living room.
Thank you to all the great creators that have put out such awesome products at DAZ... Looking forward to hearing suggestions and your favorites.. thanks for all your help.