Sitting morphs for long dresses

Whenever I buy a long dress for my female models I'm dissapointed to discover that there are no morphs to help the dress into a sitting position (or ones that only half work). I call them 'stand-up dresses'. It's a shame because some of the dresses look really good, like the florinda dress for g2f, but as soon as I pose the character into a sitting position the skirt shoots up through the legs with no good way of fixing it. Morphs make the dress! I thought the dresses would improve with the 6th generation models but sadly no. (The best is the morphing fantasy dress, although it doesn't have much character. The worst one is Little Lottie dress - virtually no movement morphs at all). I suggest an add-on product that can apply morphs to a garment to help it bend or drape to allow sitting, kneeling or laying down. If such an add-on was possible I would buy it straight away.
Take a look at this:
It's currently at the top of my wishlist, in two senses of the term.
Virtually all of my products have loads of morphs for sitting and much much more, if you look at the Fabulous Dress there is a link to a video that demonstrates the morphs and how to use them.
These dresses have awesome morphs, with realistic folds and wrinkles. I admit I was wrong in my initial comments about improvements to long dresses. I was just dissapointed with a certain dress that didn't have any movement morphs at all, but happened to be just the look I was after - an 'Alice in Wonderland' type, with puffy sleeves and skirt above the knee, which could also double as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz.. There's an Alice outfit for V4, but having trouble finding one for g2f. In that situation, a plugin that could allow the user to add morphs to an existing garment that would allow it to bend and compress in certain places would be great, if it were possible.
Just a vote for Aave Nainen's products. Exceptionally thorough design work.
I'd already be selling one if it could reasonably be created and still work with different shapes - it's always fiddly copying morphs between different meshes. And the dresses that don't come with sit morphs are usually the ones where sit morphs would be hardest to create, so copying will work the worst with those to start with.
What we need is a new kind of "Morphing Fantasy Dress" for Genesis 2 Female, basicly like the old one, but with lots more Mat-Zones, hundreds of mophs for standing, sitting, kneeling, laying etc.
The best would be to split the dress in different parts, like top parts, lower part, sleeves and pants ... On that way you have a dress for any character, that can be anything from Bodysuit (top part, sleeves and pants) to evening dress (top part, no sleeves, skirt) or gown (top part, sleeves, skirt). Also a barbarian for the males is possible (pants only).
With the Mat-Zones you can make the dress long or short, morphs inside the dress should make it possible to make an elegant slim evening dress or a baroque gown. Morphs in the lower part allow you to fit the dress in the right position of the figure.
Morphs in the sleeves give you the possibilities to add short or long and puffy sleeves in all variations.
If you add then a new hood/cape with several Mat-Zones and many morphs for moving and fitting and some shoes/boots you character can be anything from Fairy to Superhero, and you can make it also for the males. A few accesoires would make it complete (Belt, Morphing bag for example)
But that idea was maybe to simple ... what should all the vendors do, when you just need just a few new textures to change the dress from Witch to Robotgirl.
Sounds good in theory, until you see the massive distortion of your textures, morph a sleeve to puffy from fitted, you'd get puffy textures :) and this applies to any area, and from a rigging perspective skirt to pants just simply wouldn't work. Just as in the physical world an all-in-one anything generally performs poorly when compared to task specific items.
You're absolute right, it sounds good in theory. But maybe I havn't explained my idea for the dress not good enough. The whole "dress" should made of different seperate parts, which can be mixed together. I mean that the skirt and the pants for example are two parts, that one can select.
About the textures you are also right. But maybe there is another solution for this.
And just to come back to the topic. There is a morph pack for the MFD (G2F Version) here at DAZ available, which allows you to let your lady sit and more:
The only way to do it would be UV swapping...but the work in doing that would probably be more than required to make two separate products. If you had a skirt that was 40 quads in circumference you could divide it into 2 20 quad halves, then divide each of those halves into 5 4 quad strips and make one UV layout for those strips arranged for a skirt and another as a pair of pants...all arranged by hand, because I don't know of any automatic UV layout tool capable of pulling that off...
There is another way that it could possibly be done, but then it wouldn't work in iRay or any other PBR...Ptex could probably handle it, but it while 3Delight can use it, I don't think it's been implemented into Studio, so that would be that much more work.
I am aware of the matching morphs for MFD, as I am the one that made the set for the PC, my store is full of items that have a plethora of morphs and most of my items have selectable surfaces that you can hide via the surfaces tab. I do try to make my sets as versatile as I can, however, there is a limit to what can reasonably be done with a single mesh.