Having a problem with Scene optimizer

Sci Fi FunkSci Fi Funk Posts: 1,198


Scene optimizer for this scene when run in default settings certainly does it's job Ok - I was able to save 2GB of VRAM. However there is a side issue which means I can't use it for the final render unless someone can help please?

The first picture is the original scene in full texture resolution.

The second is after scene optimizer is run on a divide materials by 8 setting. Notice the clothes have errors, akin to a tiling error. I checked the tiling settings they have not changed.

To better demonstrate I set up a new scene. One figure wearing Dungarees:-

3rd pic - full texture resolution.

4th pic - after an 8 x texture reduction. Looks like a bump and tiling issue. Tiling hasn't changed so I removed the bump

5th pic - bump removed. It's better, but still wrong and I shouldn't have to do this.

Finally then I did a manual reduction from 4096x4096 (character textures files) and 6000x6000 (clothes texture files) to 512x512 for all.

6th pic - manual reduction. It's much closer to what I would have expected.

Is there a setting I've missed on Scene Optimizer? Or is there a workaround?

Any help appreciated. Thanks.



Sleek Anim 200s G8 Full 1-32sec.png
1920 x 1080 - 2M
sleek 8 x optimizer.png
1920 x 1080 - 2M
1. no reduction.JPG
2029 x 1142 - 366K
2. 8 x reduction.JPG
2029 x 1142 - 398K
3. 8 x reduction bump removed.JPG
2029 x 1142 - 384K
Manual reduction to 256x256.JPG
2029 x 1142 - 344K
Post edited by Sci Fi Funk on


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,848

    8X is a drastic reduction. You could try the Smooth Scaling option, but things with tiny detailed patterns like denim often don't scale well. You could run Scene Optimizer twice and use 8X for the things that respond well to that and try a lower reduction for the other things. Before running Scene Optimizer, run the Store Scene Texture Map State, so you can quickly and easily revert any textures that don't look good after optimization by using one of the Restore Scene Texture Map options. Then try those again with a  lower reduction value.

    Screenshot 2022-01-11 125647.png
    591 x 782 - 75K
  • Sci Fi FunkSci Fi Funk Posts: 1,198
    edited January 2022

    @barbult Thank you for your response. I had missed the smooth scale option!

    Yes it's much better in terms of solving the tiling issue. I can see degradation though.

    Comparing like for like with a manual reduction = 6000x6000 --> 3000x3000 --> 1500x1500 --> 750x750 --> 375x375, so in my 2nd example 6000x6000 to 512x512 is approx 4.5 times, with very little degradation.

    So my conclusion is that a 2x reduction using scene optimizer (no smoothing) is ok (a little worse), BUT it saves a ton of time over doing it manually (for clothes). So Ok for a quick fix.

    However upon reflection. I'm probably going to stick with swapping the figures/clothes map sizes myself as I keep both a full resolution and a 512x512 version. I just use windows to replace the figures texture directory contents with the directory of the 4096x4096 versions or the 512x512 versions.

    I could use Scene Optimizer for items with heavy DOF though, maybe it's useful for game characters, but I animate - and I can't live with losing detail when I know I can do better manually. It's more work but you only set a character and clothes up once for a scene, perhaps for a few scenes, so not too bad. For backgrounds I will convert the scene into an HDRI where feasable and save on resources that way.



    Post edited by Sci Fi Funk on
  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    A 6000x6000 image reduced to 3000x3000 is not reduced in half but in to a quarter of its original.

  • Hello,

    I'm having problems with reduced files (maps) not saving to the desired file location; instead, the maps save in the same location as the figures, resulting in duplicate files. What exactly is going on?

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