Modern Road kit/tileset?

I'm making isometric maps of my scenes to build a big city map and need roads that I can put together like a tileset. Think SimCity.
There are several assets which have roads, but none that have all the pieces one would need. Straight away, right and left curve, 3 and 4 way intersection, bridge etc. It would be amazing if there were something that had all of these in matching textures.
The "CyberCity Road kit" by Inception8 is awesome and almost exactly what I need except my setting is modern times, not cyberpunk or scifi at all. I need grass and trees, not cyber buildings.
"City Roads" by petipet is kind of close also but all the streets are cobble with fences. They look like something you would see in London, not a normal town or city.
There is also "Streets" by Mclean but they are super basic and look straight from 1999...
Kitbash3d has a nice set like this but it is a real huge pain to get it imported into Daz Studio. All the roads are in one big scene and it will take forever to cut them all out into seperate OBJs or FBX for import. Also there are hundreds of pieces, way more than I need.
Even opening this kit in Blender is daunting, idk why they packaged everything into one HUGE scene.
Does anyone know of anything or have ideas on how to accomplish this? It almost seems easier at this point to make my own assets in Blender and import them into Daz for building.
Moved to Product Suggestions as it is not a Daz Studio question