Some wishes for The Royal Opera Stage

First of all, I have to say, this is a wonderfully opulent product and I bought it immediately, as I do with almost all of Polish's products. However, after playing with it a bit, I'm wondering about some shortcomings and would love to see an update. I am a little surprised that no one here has written anything about this yet and I also wonder because Polish products are usually of very high quality.
1) The chairs - I have never seen separated single seats in a theater, it would be a mess after every show and the staff would loose the nerves. And I have never seen such chairs in the orchestra pit. They are too close together and they have arm rests. For example: can you imagine how a bass musician could play the instrument here? And the conductor has no music stand, there is no place for it. Ok, I could remove the chairs and look for another solution but it is a high prized product and so it is somewhat disappointing. Also, you cannot simply change the material in the Surface tab. It all has one texture. The cover and the wood and even the chandelier is all in one texture. I would like my theater in red velvet. Hmmm.
2) The curtains - magnificent and baroque! But: the very rich folding doesn't line up with the ground. You would see the feet of the actors or dancers before the curtain rises. Ok, I could change the limits and bring the curtains deeper. But: The bottom seamline has not the same height over ground. So if it is closed up with ground on the right side, the nice and heavy folds in the middle part that form so beautifully on the floor then disappear into the stage floor. Hmmm. On the other hand - they have a lot of material zones what I like.
3) But what really confuses me is the clock above the stage. There would never be a clock hanging there. It's certainly not to remind the audience that they still have to get the last carriage. But they wouldn't notice that either, because the dial is turned 90 degrees and even though the minute hand is at noon, the hour hand is halfway between 1 and 2. Ok, I could turn or remove the texture and bring in some nice golden sun or so but the hands are still there. They belong to the stage geometry and are not movable or to hide. Ok, I could use the Geometry Editor but Hmmm.
4) The stage - Just like the dial, the back wall of the stage has a UV map rotated by 90 degrees. It would be so nice if we could just project a landscape or something there without much trouble. Ok, I could put an extra plane in there - but Hmmm! And by the way - the floor texture is extremely repetetive!! And no, I can't change that because it is one texture with the stage base. Ok, I could lay an extra plane on top - but Hmmm!
5) The doors - we have a very big room and wouldn't it be nice to see if someone comes late or how the audience pour in? Unfortunately the doors are one piece of geometry together with the VIP balcony etc. Ok, maybe I could rig them - but Hmmm!
That all I found out so far and all I wanted to do was to put a little "Swan Lake" on stage...
And NO - I don't want to give it back, I was waiting for so long for such a magnificent theater room. I just wish to get it fixed.
My idea is: maybe could someone make a few add-ons? There are so much famous ballets and plays. What about sceneries for Giselle, Swan Lake, Nutcracker and so on. To slide in from the side and/or top, flat and painted and painteresque backgrounds for the back wall (provided the UV will be fixed). And a few light sets. And a few stage buildings like a castle front with a wide staircase or Juliette's Balcony etc. All that in a stylized shape. Sigh, let me dream...

it was to me an odd choice to rig it all as one model instead of having the chairs as instanced props
that would have saved a considerable amount of resources
also instanced chairs could have seated an instanced audience, my only solution would to hide every chair, export and reimport an obj, one would need to hide and reimport the curtains too.
I ended up using it in Twinmotion and Unreal engine where it was a bit easier to edit.
the chairs were far too close for my violinists and cellists to sit
Hello @WendyLuvsCats, wow, thats an epic work. What me impressed most is your animated audience. Some of them seem to be very busy with their mobile phones ;) Not so politely but well done! And I love the blonde violonists :)
No more responses here, maybe I should open a ticket...
Obligatory link
I looked at it when it came out, but I found that there was too many things that just looked wrong, in line with your observations, so I decided not to buy.