DIM content database/post PostgreSQL CMS I've had it with this thing

you know studio is really starting to piss me off. I have tried every single fix I could find on the internet and nada zip 0 north a single one works. I have done a fresh install so many times in the last 3 days it's not even funny. I have tried using DIM I have tried the central I've tried manually installing, turning off the firewall, turning it on, and making sure it's allowed in the firewall. Getting this program to work should not be this much of a problem studio is basically giving me the middle finger. 

now I am on an old i3. I have 800 gigs of memory so I have to use an external which neither dim or central will let me. Oh, yea sure I can set the file path there. but it won't let me set the DIM content database to the external. I've even tried doing it from inside Daz with dim/central close and both pretty much say hahaha f you no it MUST be on located in your c drive. 

The second problem no matter what I do studio will simply not locate the cms. I've tried changing the port in Daz/changing the location/directing it to the location. But again no dice. If, even on a fresh install with 0 changes made to locations studio and cms won't play nice why not build the stupid thing into the program its self so we don't have to fix it every time there is an update to studio?? 

And trying to get official support is a pain in the ass so we need to rely on community support. I need help fixing this dumb thing before I say f it and let all the money I spent on products go down the drain and find something that works better than this. 


  • Yeah, I know what you mean in regards to frustration with troubleshooting. Your best bet is to put in a ticket and wait for tech support to respond, as you could be exacerbating whatever the problem is. If you're storing the content on a portable drive that plugs into the USB port, make sure its being plugged in to the same one, and even then, that could be a problem if you're swapping other portable drives in that same USB port. I know on my alienware laptop sometimes the drive designation(E, F, G) would change. For example, I plug in "portable drive #1" and it shows up as the "F" drive, and when I eject it and plug in "portable drive #2" it gets designated "G". Then when I reboot and plug in portable drive #2 it gets designated as "F". If I were to eject that drive and plug in the "portable drive #1", it gets designaterd as "G", which will screw up the database due to tthe different letter designation. I'm pretty sure I've heard that drive designations are suppose to be static for USB ports, but I've found that's not always the case when it comes to my laptop and switching between different portable drives.

    PostgreSQL CMS is a critical component for Daz and should be installed on the same drive as the Daz Studio application. If its not finding it, then something isn't set correctly in Daz Studio. Another thing, I would avoid using two different install types as that could really end up making a mess of things.

  • When you say an external, do you mean a local drive (e.g. plugged into a USB port) or soemthing like a NAS, with a network address?

    A corrupt database or permission issues can stop DS from connecting to PostgreSQL.

  • JessieJessie Posts: 42

    external hard drive, using a usb to plug in. its never been an issue until the the 4.16 update


    I'm not as angry as I was just...disappointed in this software now. I had to roll back my computer to before I updated daz. because after the 4th clean install it wouldn't let me uninstall it and despite disconnecting my external daz was setting pathways to e: and F drive. despite at the time of the 4th clean install my internal c drive was the only connected drive(0 externals hooked up) i tried to install again because i couldn't even log into dim or central and was just going to say screw it one last ditch effort was my roll back...which somehow broke it evenfurther. not only could i not open dim/daz despite it being installed all of its files were gone. this program i just...i don't get it. there is no reason it should have broken this badly ;(

  • What do you mean by clean install? Uninstalling doesn't remove settings, and deleting registry keys to try to clear those out may well introduce new issues.

    I can certainly understand your frustration and anger - however, this is not the way it usually behaves so some aprtitcular combination of curcumstances must have hit you; unfortunately that does make it very hard to trouble-shoot.

  • JessieJessie Posts: 42
    edited January 2022

    few steps for a 100% uninstall (it's never let me down) 

    I uninstall with DAZ3D(and every product) with DIM then uninstall DIM its self. then I go through every single file on my computer and remove any traces I find even somewhat related to daz/ DIM/ etc. I then use a program called CCleaner. To remove any trace of the program/its settings/files/etc that I didn't find, once done there are 0 traces of the program on the computer as if it was never there in the first place. It's like....a small reboot but of just that program its 100% purged from the computer. I've had to do this for steam/ games/ art programs that go corrupted at a base level and a clean uninstall always fixes the problem. So for daz to find locations that don't exist...Its confusing to say the least 

    Post edited by Jessie on
  • I would think that the CCleaner step is probably the root of your issue - it may have only partially removed somethin. I think at this point you need to open a suppot ticket

  • JessieJessie Posts: 42

    damn it. well, thank you for trying. 

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