How to save an undo operation and undo it later?
I'm not familiar with DAZ script, here is what I want:
Say I did operation 1,2,3,4,5... in DAZ Studio, later I want to UNDO operation 2 only (for example it was hiding a prop), and I don't want to undo ..5,4,3, what can I do?
My plan is to click a button to memory the 'operation 2 undo' from the DAZ undo stack just after I did the operation 2 (so it is the latest undo in that time), save it to RAM temporarily for future usage. In future, when I want to undo the operation 2, simply click a button, the operation 2 is undone.
So how to read the latest undo from the 'undo stack' and temporary save to RAM? How to read it later?
Thanks cridgit. Yes, it is a script side usage. I was thinking to use the Undostack since there shall be an acceptUndo in the script, now I will investgate Json.