Change dForce direction

A feature I'd welcome was to change the direction of gravity for dfroce. Usually people rotate props/characters, apply the item, simualte, rotate back or parent the entire scene to a null and rotate the scene before simulating. If one could insert a "dforce arrow" and rotate that as desired would be great.


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,694

    You can set gravity to a negative value.

  • Well yes, then I'd have things going up - but for arbitrary angles won't help.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851

    Dforce gravity points down,  but you can add a wind node if you want the fabric or the clothing to be affected sideways or even upwards.  It works basically like a fan. 

  • Unfortunately, like a fan, bodies block the airflow and change the pressure load on various areas, reducing the probability of deflection. For things like home made capes, a setting pose for hair etc, it would be useful. The implementation is technically very simple: apply a global rotation matrix to the entire scene before dForcing it to get the gravity direction vertical down, then after dForce, reverse the matrix transform. Thinking about it, in all probability, it's something that could be done by a relatively simple script. I admit it's beyond my scripting ability to do within DS, but it's done in my home-made modeller every time I rotate the model.
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