Daz3d to Blender to Unreal Engine workflow with Uefy 2

I made Uefy 2 addon to help me get Daz3d characters into Unreal Engine using Blender. First I export the character to Blender from Daz3d. Then Uefy tools are used to modify the original armature and add a rigify rig to the character. But in such a way that the final exported character is fully compatible with the Epic Skeleton of the unreal mannequin.
This way I end up with a working rigify rig in Blender that can be direcly exported with an optimized bone hierarchy suitable for use with Unreal or any other game engine. Uefy 2 is a paid addon you can check details on https://www.rakiz.com/uefy
Thanks @rakizf! is it psosible to use the Diffeomorphic plugin instead with your workflow? I tried but seems the bone rolls may be different therefore I got wanky results... i posted a screenshot here for reference https://bitbucket.org/Diffeomorphic/import_daz/issues/875/twist-bone-direction
Uefy 2 addon's core functionality is to get rigify working with game engines like Unreal. There are a bunch of additional tools to support this process that takes care of various issues that might come up for different types of characters including Daz3D generated characters.
Between the core functionality and additional tools I get working results that meet my use case.
You can simply select the bones and manually roll them until they are in the correct orientation. I had to do this with most of the bones on the right side of my Genesis 8.1 figure.