Lighting Questions.
I'm looking for lighting information and best practices. It's a big topic, but for starters, what exactly is a shader? And is this Advanced Distant Light something to employ, or are there better procedures for realistic light and faster render times. I'm using Daz 7 on a Mac, rendering animated shots at PNG sequences.
First, with Daz 7, do you mean DAZ Studio 4.7 or DAZ Carrara 7?
Daz 4.7.
DAZ Studio 4.7?
A shader is code - it tells the render engine how a light, camera of surface behaves and interacts with other lights, cameras and surfaces. The Age of Armor Advanced lights are certainly worth looking at, they allow for special handling of different surfaces (flagging) to control how much calculation is done so that effort isn't wasted. There is at least ne thread dedicated to discussing their features. Do be aware that there is a problem with using the flagging feature with the AoA SSS surfaces shader.
Thanks. I'll look for that thread.