All saved scenes loading with G8F in the wrong pose. Where should I start looking to fix this?

i_fly_i_fly_ Posts: 3

Recently updated to 4.16 from 4.15 and moved the My Daz 3D Library and I've noticed that all my scenes are loading with the G8F character poses all wrong, and I'm not sure where to begin looking to sort this out. It's like instead of using the zero pose as the base, it's picked one of the poses in my library to be the "base" and then applies my transforms to that base instead of the zero base. Any part of the figure that was originally untouched/zeroed in the start frame will now load with this other pose applied as the base.


Steps to reproduce the problem:

1. Create new scene
2. Load a G8F into the scene, notice that it is correctly standing in the default zero pose.
3. Save the scene
4. Load this scene you just saved
5. G8F is now posed in one particular pose from my library instead of the zero pose.

What's kinda weird is that if I...

6. Zero the pose (edit > figure > zero pose)
7. Save scene
8. Load scene
9. G8F remains in correct zero pose.


I must be overlooking something simple here. Doesn't happen with G8M or other figures. Something must've gotten borked but I'm not sure where to start here. I'd hate to have to redo literally every scene with new starting poses. Any suggestions on where to start troubleshooting this?

Post edited by i_fly_ on


  • If it was loading that way by default I'd blame a Pose Control with a non-zero default value, but that wouldn't account for the pose not applying until the reload.

  • i_fly_i_fly_ Posts: 3
    edited December 2021

    Update: Tried opening the exact same scenes in an old version (4.11 beta) and they all appeared correctly, as they were originally saved. I've uninstalled and reinstalled 4.16 and the problem still persists. No indicators in the log files about what the problem could be. Really stumped with this one.

    Post edited by i_fly_ on
  • i_fly_i_fly_ Posts: 3
    edited December 2021

    Update again: Looks like maybe somewhere somehow I've got a morph that's changed the default morphs for G8F? No idea when or how this could have happened. It's clear as mud. Followed directions in another thread on a similar topic but that hasn't completely narrowed it down (

    So I erased my entire data/My Daz 3D Library/data folder and it seems to have solved the problem for now. Naturally it throws a lot of errors and I have no idea how to fix that, but whatever it works for now.


    Follow up question for anyone who may know: What is the correct way to prevent Daz from trying to load those offending morphs when I load base G8F? I feel like my solution here is really really hacky... Everythingggg is manually installed and I feel like this may be a complicating factor, I just don't understand enough about how Daz works to get this squared away properly.

    Post edited by i_fly_ on
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