Fingers and Fingerless

What would be a huge help would be a morph or add-on that would subtract a number of fingers from a hand. As in amputated fingers, not 'this is a cartoon hand with 4 fingers', though that would also be good. But I'd love to say 'this character is missing their ring finger' or 'this character is missing theit ring and pink finger from their left hand', etc etc.
The closest thing that I could think of would be the Chopped fingers by biala over on Renderosity. I haven't bought them myself, but I've got them on my wishlist of things to by. If you don't like the bony/bloddy part of it, I'm sure you could just fix it up in post work.
the problem is the bones are still there unless it's a geograft
I have tried smoothing out toes in Zbrush and making built in boots as a morph and that was weird enough animated
RAWart would be the best one to create such a product
It should be possible to do this with a D-former:
Start with your base figure selected and create a d-former. Change it to use a weight map instead of a sphere (see the instructions in my sig).
Make a weight map that is full strength on the finger (or part of finger) that you want to chop off, and zero strength everywhere else.
Position the d-former base so that it's in the middle of the finger in question. Probably best to set it's visibility to off so you can see what's happening.
Set the d-former peg thingie and set its scale to zero - bingo! one finger fewer!
Did something similar with V4 some 10 years ago. Hid the arms and legs and created morphs in Blender for closing the open holes in shoulders and hips.
Not that difficult, all you need is the basic tools Move/Push-Pull/Scale
perhaps with this?
I don't have this yet so I can't test it, but the promos show a figure with her arm cut off.