Daz to Unreal : How to get nice shading on character ?!

Hi ! Im new here.
I'm using Daz to Unreal for Import Daz character.
But something bother me a bit.
Texture doesn't look good. AO missing, scattering too. Normal map buggy look.
Well this plugin is awesome. but it doesnt look really nice
After check on google and youtube. I didn't find people who complain about it.
I didn't find easy tutorial to follow how to improve the daz models. How come no one is interested in this?
I would like to know if someone through some picture guide me on an improvement? Even light it suits me!
Have great day thank you !

960 x 482 - 32K
Post edited by xxgamerstudioxx on
the big problem with daz characters when exporting to any other program like unreal or unity is because daz shaders" are a bit "old" and not proper optimzed fo more "modern shaders" or most of game shaders, like they still uses the famous olddated "bump" map for characters which nowadays you use normal map this is why for exemple characters normal maps are bad on daz, normally nowadays you use "bump" map to be a heightmap for locations and not for characters, and they pbr still not really good.
the best way to get better results on daz characters inside unreal is "rebuilding the textures", for that you need programs like substance paint(or a clone/similar) program, to redo the textures in a better way.
you would need to merge the bump map into a normal map and in many cases bake the normal to improve the character, here from this page:
you can find some usefull tutorials also if you look here on this forum you can find another tutorials to help improve the daz character in unreal engine.
here's my victoria with some changes to match more unreal shader
Woaah it look amazing, it would be possible to use your material for example ?
(you did this with subsurface ?) I have no knowledge on this software, it will be hard ?
Being a big noob, I tried to use the material of Meta Human by adapting the textures of daz on this. What do you think about it about the second picture ?
My last question is about makeup or layers over the skin. I have the impression that they do not take into account. (layer that we add above the model inside daz)
the adaptation also looks amazing aswell.
about my material, srry i can't pass it due to it being based on victoria character, however is not a big deal, i didn't used the subsurface, as i told i've just used substance paint to generate new set of textures based on the daz, (just export the base model don't need the texture, then apply daz textures for base and for normal map, maybe for specular if the character have a specular map, then bake the normal map using a high resolution version of the model then the bake process will also generate the ambient occlusion and will mix both baked normal details and also add the bump map, substance have a option where it will also mix the bump map into the normal then you end with anormal map with the "base normal map+ bump+ baked normal generating a really detailed normal, then you will get all the maps in this case the AO, base color, normal map and specular, you only need to worry about rougness or metalical if the character come with those maps for in case you want the character look more "wet(using rougness map), but overal just use a texture generator program like substance paint or similar then with the new proper generated textures you can apply to the bridge base textures and you can get a final good results, ofcourse what you did also is a option, if you feel it being better too, in the end it's up to you, anyway look for more options can be good, daz characters in general they are not bad it's just they where never inteded to be used outside daz in the beginning which lead then to a let's say outdated choice of textures compared with more moderns ways and now they are trying to catch since they finally noticed the possibilty of get a extra money from game market, this is why the genesis 8.1 is pbr, they now are trying to catch stuffs, but old g8 less still some tweaks works if you want top end results, if you are fine with the default shader from the bridge then you don't need to do too much however if you really want a really advanced amazing texture then without any doubts you need do some tweaks and extra work, when using daz characters, if you do the job proper they will look amazing.
WOAAHH thank you for taking the time for all your explanations, it helped me a lot!
It's very kind of you and it reassures me, don't worry. I'm not trying to do anything very realistic, just a minimum.
However, I have one last very silly question. In substance painter, there are lots of confiuration types to export textures. Do you recommend one specifically?
Well if you just import and add to a template you will land up with as bad as it gets as an example under worst possible.
Except for the hair and eyes this is an example of Genesis 3 using the stage that comes with the Metahuman project
For it to all work though you have to make the character move as general spec and normal maps work all that well in static shots.
Also, you can tell the plugin to work with your materials instead of the ones I made.
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