info on products used in promo-images

Compared to other websites where you can buy 3D models (e.g.: the product pages on the DAZ-website could do with more information on the additional products used in the promo-images. For example: I just saw a beautiful new female character, FW Simona HD for Genesis 2, which I would like to use in a project. But then I would also like to know which hair product was used in the promo-images, as it greatly contributes to the overall look of the character. In other cases a piece of clothing or some other prop might be interesting to buy in combination with a character or a product.
In short: I would like a section "products used in promo-images" added on every product page (or at least on the new ones). It wouldn't be too hard to do for the vendors to draw up a short list and it would save potential customers loads of time trying to find specific items. I am sure this would help cross-selling on the site and would be beneficial for vendors and customers alike.
I agree that those things should be listed as I've also often found myself wondering "what shirt is that?"
I think sometimes it comes down to the PA either not remembering what the exact names of all the items they used or simply wanting to be done with getting the product in the store after creating the description (I've found how absolutely tedious listing every product can be by trying to list everything I used in a render for the gallery)
Another reason is a lot of the items may very well have come from other sites (such as renderosity) and to basically advertise another site in the product might not be the best thing for Daz.
DAZ doesn't allow us to list products from other sites in the "things used in promos" section. People do use hair from Renderosity relatively often (a lot of DAZ vendors got their start there, or still sell there).
Hi can not you (vendors) add promo link for render image with your products in another site (eg your private site)?
then add link about your render images which discribe items used for your render image.
(I hope you understand what I mean,,)
I think it is not just for people who want to know, which product do you use or not.
it can offer more detail or tips about your products which you may not show all in daz promotion site.:)
then it can be good CM for your product too. (then daz can sell them in their shop too win and win ? ^^;
Not everyone has a private site.
Daz not wanting outside sources linked here is common business practice across the board. If you worked at TGIF's and they caught you telling a patron to head over to Panera Bread across the street for better soups. I guarantee you you'd get a talking to (at least) if not outright fired.
They certainly aren't going to dictate what an artist can use for a promo but it makes perfect sense for them to not want out-of-house items linked on the site they pay to maintain. The goal is to sell THEIR products after all.
A more reasonable solution would be to have site mail set up for the vendors here and you can drop them a note with inquiries.
mm,, At least, I do not think daz forbid to add vendor private site link,
which promote each vendor items sold in daz shop.:)
As for me, the more knowing vendor, the more buy their items too.
I may not suggest strong to add link here.
but simply feel vendor may better to open their private site,if they not,,.
actually I really like to visit and check vendor sites .
because it often tell me how they think, and how they plan the product etc.
it is very good promotion for their items .
you can write many things for their product,3d hobby etc when you want.
eg one vendor see anime, then get imagination concept etc,,
if I have seen same anime, and I loved it, I may buy the items too.
( But no need to show e-mail links etc, if you not hope so.
it often cause another problem I understand^^;)