More on skin jewels, stones, gemstones and ornaments with gemstones packages

More on skin jewels, stones, gemstones and ornaments with gemstones packages with plenty of morphing and placing options all over the body. Ability to change size and shape of everything to give it a unique look. Ability to hide/unhide every single piece of anything (every gemstone, every piece of metal jewel). And with many textures to change type of stones and jewels to be able to create complex mix and patterns.
I already bought all of the existing packages and some are better than others but none is really perfect. Anyway using them all together is possible to create some nice combos although with limits in placement. The perfect package would feature gems, jewels and ornaments that can be put and moved all over the body, with morphing. As said it should be setup to allow for hiding/unhiding of every single element.It would feature both skin tattoo like attached objects and ornaments jewels wise ones (the best ornaments with gemstones bundle package on the shop is indeed quite good but if it had options to cover more parts of the body at will and more morphing and styles for unique shapes it would have been perfect).
Any new package should have the Interactive License option. I could create my own set of these if I wanted to but I buy packages to save on time so better a set is options wise and configuration wise with the given parameters to create unique custom combos and more useful that is.
Thank You