Iz there a trick to move the upper body instead of the legs when posing the pelvis?
in New Users
It's very annoying - a model is staying and must be bended from the pelvis and above; but when the pelvis is bent instead bending the body it moves the legs and artificial problem is created to pose the legs back to their upright pose.
The Pelvis is a child of the root bone, the hip, if you want to move the upper body you need to use the abdomen bones.
LOL... I tried to pin the feet and it never worked. But ofc such obvious option as the thighs... who would think about it:-)
Pin the thigh bones using the active pose tool! Use both start- and endpoints! Now you can drag the pelvis or any of the upperbody bones to rotate the torso while the legs (hopefully) stay in place.
I believe you can get the effect you want by rotating the Pelvis node, then applying the opposite rotations to the Hip node.
My problem is not the rotation but the legs&feet poses which are PITA to adjust after the lower body is rotated.
One way:
Or, like Richard said, select the Abdomen nodes and use their bend parameter.