Is a morph assest slider independent from the .obj it was created from?

I've gone through the typical process of exporting an object (in this case a hevily morphed character) to obj, modifying, importing back to daz, creating a morph with morphloader pro and then finally, creating a morph asset for my library. The question I have is: Can I simply edit/tweek/fine-tune the original obj as needed to update my morph asset, or do I have to treat each modification as a new morph and go through the whole process (begining to end) and replace the old morph asset with a new one? Once created, do morph assets ever reference the obj's they were created from?

On a side note. How do you get rid of a stuborn morph asset that will not delete. I've gone through my library and deleted (best I can tell) anything this stuborn morph might reference, or be a reference to. It still remains in my library. *sad face*

Thanks in advance for your time.


  • No, the OBJ is not linked to the morph. if you are just updating the shape you can skip some of the set up by finding the Overwrite Existing settings in Morph Loader Pro and selecting Deltas Only - that wil leave any ERC links untouched.

    Once saved as a morph asset you will have to delete the actual files (from /data/publisher/figure/morphs/author/product/) to get rid of it.

  • Thank you so much.. clears a lot of the fog I was in regarding the morph creating process.

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