Texturing: From PS back to LW

Hello, texturing has always been my Achilles heel.  With that in mind, I've created a biped model using LW 2020 running on a Mac OS Catalina.  Instead of creating the UVs for this model in LW, I used  a third party software (headus UVLayout) by exporting it out of LW as an OBJ then loading it into Headus UVLayout where I dissected and flattened all the UV maps with minimal distortion upon testing.  From there. I'll be taking that UVMap as an OBJ into Photoshop CS6 to create the final textures. 

This is where all the confusion begins for me.  The problem I'm having is importing this finalized textured uvmap back into LW and applying it to my biped model. 

How exactly do I load it back into LW and apply the texture to my human model? 
Do I load it into Layout or Modeler? 
Once loaded into LW, what is the process I need to follow for successful application of the texture on to my model?


  • Is it rigged etc.? If not, just export as OBJ (or whatever fromat) from Headus UV Layout, import that into LW, and carry on from there. If you do need to keep the version in LW I think it should be possible to copy/paste as long as the geometry itself is unchanged. I don't currently have LW9 installed and can't see a method for copying UVs from an imported OBJ to an existing mesh, and a search isn't turning anything helpful up (there is a copy function, but ti seems to be more for duplicating a map on the current mesh).

  • Doc AcmeDoc Acme Posts: 1,153

    When you export out of Daz as an FBX, the geometry will get a UV named Model_UV whereas the same object export as OBJ will have a UV map named uvmap generally. Take a look at the geometry in Modler.  Often it's simply a matter of changing the assignment in the drop down for which UV map to use.

    I'm not sure what/why your needing to edit the maps though. Perhaps post some screen shots of where you are with things now.


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