Load Morphs Script to reduce load times

With many of us having a large Gen 8 collection, the load times for bringing in a character or loading a scene with a character can be outrageous. In Daz, often, we can hold the CTRL and double click something to have a gray box pop up with options. What I am suggesting here is that one of you programmer types create a script that works like this- I make a scene and essentially my scene is a character I made. We will say a Gen 8 Female and I use, let's say, 12 morphs when I make her, sliding different bars to tweak her into a unique character. Now I save my scene with her. Later, when I want to add her into a scene or just open her, I hold down the CTRL key and double click her in the content library. With the script that you product added to Daz, a gray window pops up and says, "Load only used morphs?" And then I can select “Yes”.
My character instantly loads since Daz is only looking at those 12 morphs and ignoring the others for her. (The product will/should ignore anything that is an expression so that those can still be used) Of course, this means I cannot tweak her physical attributes now at this time because she only has access to those twelve morphs, but it would reduce the load times of 10 mins that even a blank G8F takes to bring into a scene. Conversely, if a script can be made that loads all morphs only once at Daz start up, and keeps them all there for the duration of one's Daz session so that loading any characters into any scene or anything is virtually instantaneous because all morphs are already and always loaded and ready at all times. So, when we open Daz we have to wait a bit, but 10 hours of work time becomes far more efficient than having to wait 10 mins every time a Gen 8 Female model needs to be loaded over that ten hours. lol
I request something similar around this time every year. So, hopefully this year someone can come up with a product that gives greater control over how morphs load to reduce wait times.
There are a couple of leads in here that might be of interest: "Turn off" G8F\G8M characters (like Powerloader)? - Daz 3D Forums