"Scripts" Menu not showing - how to re-enable entries in customactions.dsx

Unfortunately, after updating DAZ Studio to the new version, i accidentally hit "merge menus" an lost my "Scripts" menu in the process.

After some digging, i found the file "customactions.dsx" which looks like the configuration data for my "Scripts" menu. However, i can't find an option to re-import this structure in the "Customize DAZ Studio" Menu. Looking at the file it looks different than a file generated by the export function. Both are <DAZStudioActionMgr Version="">, so it seems i have some essential mis-understanding of the data structure.

DAZ Studio apparently still knows about the data, because if i re-define a custom entry, the software returns a "entry alread exists" error message. After that, i can see the menu entry again - but only this one, the others are still missing.

It would be really helpful if i could make my "Scripts" menu re-appear. It was a lot of stuff there, it's tedious to reenter and i still have the "customactions.dsx" file. I'm just too dumb to make it work again frown



  • Yes that is a sensitive field, try re-making the custom actions [from Content Library, right-click on loading icon for option, homebase is under Scripts]. When everything is set as you like it, save the Windows layout and hopefully that will help with any future glitches.

  • Never thought about saving/exporting the menu as a backup. Good point, thank you!

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