MIL ATV/MIL Dropship: revise to include layered materials?

The MIL ATV Material Pack and the MIL Dropship: Renegade material packs both have what I consider to be a serious flaw: the decals and texts are (as far as I can tell from the promos and product descriptions) non-optional. If you want the black version of the texture, you inevitably have SPECIAL OPS slathered all over it; if you want the desert digital camouflage, it gets labeled AIR FORCE, and so on.
Quite aside from the silliness of a special ops vehicle being labeled as such in gigantic letters, this seems to me to considerably diminish the usefulness of these packs. An all-black ATV (without lettering) would fit neatly in a great many more scenes than one with SPECIAL OPS all over it. Ditto for the white version.
I assume that the original source files were created using some kind of layering, with the letters and base materials separate. If that's true, it should be trivial for the creators to separate out the text from the underlying material. Then, there are two options: either ship two versions of each material, one with lettering, one without, or ship a set of base materials, plus the lettering as LIE presets.
This would hugely increase the usefulness and versatility of these material packs. The fact that the lettering is 'baked in' is probably the main reason that I haven't bought either of them yet.
I don't know whether you'd want to implement this as a revision of the existing product or as a new product, but either way, I hope you'll consider it. And I hope that the creators who made these particular material packs would consider doing it in future products.