Hems and clothing edges

This one is niche, but I like to make the most out of my clothing. This MIGHT not even be possible:
I love to use shaders to make old clothes new again, but often when you do, you loose the hems and the stitching on the edges of clothing so it looks like an unfinished piece of fabric; or worse, a chainmail shader has open exposed looks were you could put a leather border with some stitching to cover that sin. The hem/edge wouldn't even have to have its own shader, just its own surfaces to cover with shaders; although, having multiple color threads for the stitching might be good since it's it's hard or impossible to find a shader for that.
You can in the geometry editor create a new surface, i.e. the hem can get its own.
But if it is an autofitted item, I would take it into a modeller and do it, as I find that much easier.
Alternatively you could use the shader as basis for doing a modification in an image editor.
You must use the shader as a base for settings but reapply the old textures (edited with a 2D program like Photoshop) so you should not have problems.. Using a shader directly on an old cloth creates many issues.
With softwares like Topaz Gigapixel you can also improve the texture resolution by AI