Convert to SubD is making character .OBJ blocky

Hi guys,

When I import a Wavefront .obj from Blender of a character mesh at Base resolution it's almost smooth. But when I convert to SubD it goes full-on terminator. Upping the levels, changing the algorithm or interpolation do nothing.

I suspect I'm overlooking something in Blender, but there are just too many settings to screenshot them all. Has anyone seen this problem before?

In Blender I have an Armature modifier which I don't apply at export and I've tried clearing custom split normals, adding them, autosmooth... God, there's just so many variables.




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1458 x 972 - 415K


  • margravemargrave Posts: 1,822

    Change Edge Interpolation.

  • you mean inside DazStudio? Yeah I've tried all of them, all algorithms as well, same results...



    Screen Shot 11-26-21 at 01.44 PM.PNG
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    Screen Shot 11-26-21 at 01.44 PM 001.PNG
    1458 x 972 - 389K
  • margravemargrave Posts: 1,822

    If the model isn't being smoothed, then it's possible the model was accidentally beveled before being exported. You can see the same thing if you add a bevel modifier with "None" limit method to a UV Sphere and then a Subsurf modifier after it. No matter how high you turn the subsurf up, the beveled edges with make it look polygonal.

    See if you have a bevel modifier attached, because it might be getting applied on export. If the model itself is beveled, then I'm afraid you'll need to fix it manually.

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