A digital watermark feature

Hi all,
Not sure if this has been suggested before but it would be really nice if DAZ offered the option to bake in a digital and traceable watermark containing text of our choice into our renders?
Would negate the need for 3rd party tools or additional post work.
If you want soemthing which actually embeds data then I doubt that would be an option, at least as part of the free base, as it would probably have a licensing fee. If you just want the ability to add an overlay then I would think a script could do it - you'd use the script to launch the render and add the watermark rather than using the default button/shortcut.
Idea for a workaround:
create an image file with the logo you want to use as watermark
create a plane in daz, texture it with your image, set the shaders options and place it so to be visible in the position you want when rendering
Other option:
get some 3d text models for the words you need
place them as needed in your scene
set the shaders for the wanted look of your logo
" ... create a plane in daz, texture it with your image, set the shaders options and place it so to be visible in the position you want when rendering ... "
What? Plane?
Create>New Primitive.
This is a good idea, I really don't want my work copied so will try to add my own watermark using primatives. I'll post the results.
There are people who simply edit out visible watermarks. If you check your image editor, it may already have a way to "embed" a watermark ... those aren't necessarily visible unless one has the right software to dig them out.
As to traceable, the entire image can be discovered through Google Image search, no watermarks required for that.