Unwanted Thumbnails In Smart Content Pane
Can anybody tell me how to delete unwanted thumbnails from the SmartContent pane. I have a number of these in my Unassigned folder and as they are finished with, they are taking up space unneccesarily. I have already deleted the files from the parent folder, but am left with a large number of empty boxes which I would rather get rid of.
I´d like to know that as well! My unassigned folder is full of old scenes and I can´t seem to find out how to get rid of them.
If you do a "Scan Known Directories For Files" it will remove any thumbnails for files that no longer exist.
Thanks for your reply, Mike. At the risk of sounding like a real idiot, I can't find it in the context menus. How do I perform this scan
It's the Content Library option menu - lined button in the top corner of the pane, or right-click the tab.
It did not remove the thumbnails of old scenes in Smart Content under Unassigned. Could it be because I am not saving the scenes in to the same directories where all my other items are?
Are the scene files still on your hard drive?
Hey there mike!
The ones I didn´t want I deleted long time ago but their thumbnails under Smart Content´s "Unassigned" are still there.
Can you select them all, right-click and choose "Remove Orphaned References"?
Can you select them all, right-click and choose "Remove Orphaned References"?
ETA: Do this in Content Library > Categories > Unassigned if it isn't working from the Smart Content pane.
Deleting them from the Content Library worked! Thanks a lot : )