Review/Rating System for the Store

Please look at the possibility of incorporating a review/rating system for the store. Something like the system at Renderosity - where we can rate a product and leave a small review - would be great.
More and more I find myself holding off purchasing new/recent releases until I've come to the Forums to see if the item has any issues and/or gauge the reaction to it. Not an ideal workaround - especially for new Shop buyers who are unaware of the Forums - and potentially off-putting.
So, pretty please?
This has already been extensively discussed.
I am not in favor of it also. I don't find it useful at other stores and DAZ has a painless 30 day refund policy
More problems are created with a rating system and sometimes the reviews aren't true and honest. You can't get a true opinion because the person leaving the negative review could be using the product wrong. There are very few good reasons to have that type of system and a ton of reasons not too. Each person has a different view on how products should work. They also have differences on what should be included, and have been done a certain way and because of that personal view leave a negative review and not on the quality of the product. It's not based on the quality or functionality of the product but because it didn't have a purple hair option and they really thought it should've been included they are going to leave a negative review. Thats the type of ridiculous things people leave on a review system. Is that really fair to the creators and others who are wanting an honest review?
Thank you frank0314 for taking the time to post a great response. Your points are salient, structured and well recieved
ROFL. I have tried to use that once. Failed. Utterly. Fortunately it wasn't a problem because of a very kind & understanding PA.
I found the process always fairly simple. Open a sales ticket with the order number requesting the refund, then wait for the refund to arrive.
"Yep. I do get it. Just didn't happen in 14 days. Maybe I was over expecting."
IIt is possible that it might have been the service equivalent of rush hout; normally, they are pretty