Separate category for people and wearables in the store

Please correct me if I'm doing it wrong, but currently in the store there is no way to filter by (for example) "Genesis 8 female characters" only. Or say I want to see a list of G8M characters only. I'm always presented with a list that includes M+F and clothing and other random stuff thrown in.
The only option seems to be "People AND Wearables" which is a huge oversight IMO. What if we only want to browse one or the other? While we are at it, why not a seperate catagory for Hair, Shoes, Clothing, Weapons, Makeup... this all seems like common sense. 

Even other competing sites which shall not be named can do this.

Also, when viewing a list of items in the shop, I have a sneaking suspicion that items are being randomly duplicated on multiple pages to pad out the search results. 
Is all of this an effort to misrepresent the number of assets available in the store or a marketing tactic to show a higher variety of items?


  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    You are not searching correctly, you to drill down more into the catgories for more options. there is shoes, hair, etc

    If you drill down into the people and wearbles you get to genesis 8 and then female and from there if you go to the box filters below that, even more ways to select specific.

  • FSMCDesigns said:

    You are not searching correctly, you to drill down more into the catgories for more options. there is shoes, hair, etc

    If you drill down into the people and wearbles you get to genesis 8 and then female and from there if you go to the box filters below that, even more ways to select specific.

    You can drill down by catagory but it still shows clothing and hair even under "people". You cannot actually only show just people or characters. It doesn't work. 

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