Dynamic clothing not showing

SertorialSertorial Posts: 962
edited March 2015 in New Users

Does Studio v 4.7 no longer support dynamic clothing?

Whenever I load a piece of dynamic clothing, it is invisible. It's in the scene tab (with the word "_Rig" after it) and with the eye symbol off. Even when I switch the eye symbol on, it's still not showing. It appears in the scene just as the universal locator but there's no actual geometry there.

Any ideas?

Post edited by Sertorial on


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    What piece of Dynamic clothing is this, and what are you fitting it to?

    The RIG always has the eye symbol switched off, but it should be part of the item above it (child) You should not see the rig on it's own.

  • SertorialSertorial Posts: 962
    edited December 1969

    What piece of Dynamic clothing is this, and what are you fitting it to?

    The RIG always has the eye symbol switched off, but it should be part of the item above it (child) You should not see the rig on it's own.

    It's happening with any of the dynamic clothing. I have quite a lot.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    I am using 4.7, and it all works as expected for me.

    Can you please give an example. Most dynamic clothing is made for Generation 4 figures, but it should still be workable with Genesis and G2.

  • SertorialSertorial Posts: 962
    edited December 1969

    I am using 4.7, and it all works as expected for me.

    Can you please give an example. Most dynamic clothing is made for Generation 4 figures, but it should still be workable with Genesis and G2.

    for example CargoPant V4 http://www.optitex-dynamiccloth.com/FreebieDownload04.php

    But it's doing it for all my dynamic clothing. They all used to work fine!

    1339 x 683 - 109K
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    DO you have the full DCC product, and if so do you have the correct version (bit-ness and version) for your version of DS?

  • SertorialSertorial Posts: 962
    edited December 1969

    SimonJM said:
    DO you have the full DCC product, and if so do you have the correct version (bit-ness and version) for your version of DS?

    not sure what you mean? It's the same content as I had installed under DS4.5. It worked fine then. Why would I need to update it?

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    I have just downloaded and installed the V4 Cargo Pants from Optitex, and they work as expected for me.

    As you can see from the image below, there is a container for the rig called 'CargoPant_V4' in the Scene pane after it is loaded, your image does not show that. You may not have installed the item correctly from the ZIP file.

    Inside the ZIP is a folder called 'content'. You must empty that folder into your 'My DAZ 3D Library' folder, and not just copy the content folder over. In other words, you should NOT have a folder called content inside your My DAZ 3D Library folder.

    410 x 746 - 77K
  • SertorialSertorial Posts: 962
    edited December 1969

    I have just downloaded and installed the V4 Cargo Pants from Optitex, and they work as expected for me.

    As you can see from the image below, there is a container for the rig called 'CargoPant_V4' in the Scene pane after it is loaded, your image does not show that. You may not have installed the item correctly from the ZIP file.

    Inside the ZIP is a folder called 'content'. You must empty that folder into your 'My DAZ 3D Library' folder, and not just copy the content folder over. In other words, you should NOT have a folder called content inside your My DAZ 3D Library folder.

    But you seem to be missing my point. The content was installed two years ago and has been working. The installation must therefore be correct. Here's how it looks i the folder structure

    934 x 287 - 41K
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865
    edited December 1969

    Do you have the Dynamic Clothing pane (Window>Panes(Tabs)>Dynamic Clothing)? Do you use the basic plug-in, or have you purchased the full Dynamic Clothing Control plug-in?

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    I just tried this again with V4 loaded, and it still works perfectly in DS4.7 The folder was created with today's date, but the contents have exactly the same dates as yours do.

    If I were you, I would download and reinstall it again, because something isn't working out right. It may be that DS4.7 is a little less forgiving than previous versions as to where files are installed to. There is a data folder and Runtime folder as well as the People one, so maybe one of them is not installed to the correct place.

  • SertorialSertorial Posts: 962
    edited March 2015

    Do you have the Dynamic Clothing pane (Window>Panes(Tabs)>Dynamic Clothing)? Do you use the basic plug-in, or have you purchased the full Dynamic Clothing Control plug-in?

    aah.. the dynamic clothing pane seems to be missing! I hadn't got as far as draping yet. Hmm..

    (I use just the basic version)

    so how do I get the dynamic clothing pane back?

    Post edited by Sertorial on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865
    edited December 1969

    I suspect you installed the Control plug-in, which comes with DS, so it has repalced the basic plug-in. Uninstall both the control plug-in and DS, then reinstall DS. If you use DIM delete the control plug-in (right-click on it in ready to Install, if it's there) and then find it in Ready to Download and hide it (right-click) so that you don't have the same issue in future (if you do later buy the control version you will need to enable the display of hidden items, check-box at the top of Ready to Download, and then unhide the package).

  • edited December 1969

    I have also recently LOST my Dynamic Clothing CONTROL in Daz Studio 4.7 (I lost the entire dynamic clothing pane).
    If I uninstall and reinstall Studio 4.7 I get the dynamic clothing PANE back... but I still do not have access to the CONTROL plugin.
    When I reinstall the CONTROL plugin, the entire dynamic pane vanishes again...
    I have noticed the latest version of the CONTROL plugin says it is for Studio version 4.8?
    Is this what is causing the CONTROL plugin to no longer function in version 4.7?

    Is there a way for me to download the older 4.7 version of the Opitex Dynamic Clothing Control plugin?

    Please help!


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844
    edited December 1969

    mferrigno said:
    I have noticed the latest version of the CONTROL plugin says it is for Studio version 4.8?
    Is this what is causing the CONTROL plugin to no longer function in version 4.7?
    Yes, that's most probably the problem, you need the plugin version matching your DS version.
    If you don't have a backup of the 4.7 version then you should contact DAZ support to ask them if they can provide you with a copy.
    Or you can update your DS and use 4.8 version of both.
  • edited December 1969

    Thanks Leana... I'll try contacting support...

  • I suspect you installed the Control plug-in, which comes with DS, so it has repalced the basic plug-in. Uninstall both the control plug-in and DS, then reinstall DS. If you use DIM delete the control plug-in (right-click on it in ready to Install, if it's there) and then find it in Ready to Download and hide it (right-click) so that you don't have the same issue in future (if you do later buy the control version you will need to enable the display of hidden items, check-box at the top of Ready to Download, and then unhide the package).

    Im running and tried to install the dynamic clothing advanced plugin using the DIM - it shows installed but I see nothing under 'view' - just the animate controls. Where is the control plug-in - I cannot find that either. I am at a loss. Any suggestions - I have de-installed and re-installed the app but I can find no reference to dynamic cloth control anywhere.


  • dave43 said:

    I suspect you installed the Control plug-in, which comes with DS, so it has repalced the basic plug-in. Uninstall both the control plug-in and DS, then reinstall DS. If you use DIM delete the control plug-in (right-click on it in ready to Install, if it's there) and then find it in Ready to Download and hide it (right-click) so that you don't have the same issue in future (if you do later buy the control version you will need to enable the display of hidden items, check-box at the top of Ready to Download, and then unhide the package).

    Im running and tried to install the dynamic clothing advanced plugin using the DIM - it shows installed but I see nothing under 'view' - just the animate controls. Where is the control plug-in - I cannot find that either. I am at a loss. Any suggestions - I have de-installed and re-installed the app but I can find no reference to dynamic cloth control anywhere.

    OK - I found the plugin but it says I neeed to register - the serial number is there but greyed out. I purchased the advanced version in march of 2013 - how do I re-register it?


  • Just get the serial number from your Account page https://www.daz3d.com/downloader/customer/serialnumbers and paste it into the box in help>About Installed Plug-ins.

  • Aneet ProductionsAneet Productions Posts: 61
    edited March 2016

    Ha, I have been trying to figure out this issue for a while. I have tried everything suggested.  Finally, I thought I would try something.    The way I got the advanced controls to work, is I went into the help menu clicked the About Installed Plugins and unchecked the Dynamic Cloth Plugin - Basic and the advance settings are now available.  I remember reading somewhere about unchecking a box but could never figure it out.  Thank you, Richard, you mentioned putting in the serial number which pointed me to this solution..



    dynamic control fix.JPG
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    Post edited by Aneet Productions on
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