Scientist/Doctor Outfits - Corsets for Men

I've seen a couple of scrubs for nurse-esqe type characters. I've seen the labs and lab props that are made all day for us to use. However, what I haven't see is more Dr./scientist type outfits. I know that most of them are just lab coats, but even then. I don't see a lot of those (unless I'm just blind, which may very well be true, still waititng on my glasses)
Also, corsets for men are 100% super fancy. We should definitely have some. These are just some corset vest for men that I uploaded as examples.

900 x 1200 - 94K

180 x 225 - 7K
Post edited by Gemini Queen on
I've asked for this before, but no one ever took up the task here. The clostest I've seen is this from renderosity:
Thanks for suggesting this!