Corgi for DAZ Dog

Can someone make a corgi for the DAZ Dog?
- Everyone loves corgis.
- Except for hypertaf's stand-alone model, Pudgy the Corgi -- who is really a cartoon dog or, at best, a corgi puppy -- we don't already have a corgi.
- With the imminent launch of Netflix's live-action version of "Cowboy Bebop", everyone is going to want to make art featuring Ein the Data Dog.
- The availability of a corgi could attract the attention of Queen Elizabeth II, who has a net worth of £600 million, enough to let her buy content from every artist on the DAZ store without even noticing it (although she might need to sell off Wales to feed her habit if she got really into 3D art).
- Putting a corgi into your scene brings you seven years of good luck. (OK, I made that part up).
- A corgi is almost indistinguishable from a Shiba Inu and everyone knows how cool they are (OK, this is a lie too -- but we probably need a Shiba Inu too. But give us the corgi first).
I agree. To add to that, please see this thread: Canine Centaurs.