How do I delete a product I created from Smart Content?
in New Users
I was messing around with some functions and in doing so, created a new product for one of my customized characters, just to see how it worked, now I want to delete the product listing from smart content, but no matter what I try, it persists. I've deleted the files from the runtime/support directory, but the product still exists. How do I get rid of this listing in Smart Content completely?
/Runtime/Support/ is the metadata from the database, but it is not referred to by the database 9unless you use the Reimport Metadata command). Find the product in the Products list in the Content Library pane, right-click on the container (the "folder"), and select Delete - that deletes the database entries for the product, it doesn't do anything to the files on disc.
Thank you so much, I was on the verge of pulling my hair out.